Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on your SEO Strategy

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Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on your SEO Strategy

Does your SEO strategy meet the needs of artificial intelligence bots? SEO specialists should always be reading and learning to know how to effectively plan for algorithm updates.

When you search for something using the Google search engine, the results displayed will consider 3 main factors;

  • Your location
  • Your search history
  • And what other users clicked on for similar queries

AI developments mean that ranking results differ from query to query. Hence it is vital to know how to implement artificial intelligence into your SEO strategy.

According to Search Engine Land, RankBrain is Google’s name for a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that’s used to help process its search results.

Rankbrain’s main agenda is to ensure the delivery of the most relevant and accurate results to each search query.

Your SEO strategy must be “AI smart” and ought to at least encompass:

  • Audience segmentation, intent & prediction analysis
  • Relevant and detailed keyword research
  • Content, recommendations & creation
  • All aspects of local SEO
  • User experience optimisation from the SERP to the point of onsite conversion

Success in an organic search, powered by AI ultimately comes down to providing the best user experience and optimised content that is relevant and accessible across all devices.

Search engines are now smarter than ever before, using one SEO strategy template across multiple sites is not recommended.

Is your SEO agency making sure that your SEO tactics do not suffer from negative impacts every time there is a search algorithm update?

For an AI-considered SEO strategy that is result-driven and is up-to-date with the latest Google search algorithm updates contact us today.

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